BioCule was founded by scientists from The University of Iceland

At BioCule we have spent a significant amount of time studying DNA sample damage. This includes the short and long term effects of storage on the many different types of samples used for DNA based research and in the clinical world.

In our search for a deeper understanding of these biological events happening to the stored DNA and their impact on later analysis, we found a new and unique way of seeing the differences between the different kind of DNA damage and issues that impact the ability to do DNA analysis on the samples.

We turned this expert knowledge and insight into a new type of DNA sample QC technology, that we look forward to spreading around the research and clinical world.
- if you have valuable samples and can't wait for us to be done with building the BioCule platform as an instrument you can buy, then feel free to send us your samples and we will run them using our powerful QC technology for you.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.



Vatnsmyrarvegur 16, 5th floor
Reykjavik 101, Iceland